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Log In : hi : dude : what the : hi : any1 der? : hi : ... : hello : from the arctic circle
    xtina2513 has just logged in
    tenderlittlebuttons has just logged in
    tenderlittlebuttons : Intelligent chat room?
    tenderlittlebuttons : Is this right? : hello
    trueperson123 : any intelligent girl wanna chat w me? im me.
    trueperson123 : science
    kakai03 : hi : dose any one ever get the fealing that you make reality exist ? : and without your mind it would not be there : crazy to think about right ? : another thing i think of is that what if we are aliens to earth ? : like what if we arnt from here ? : ???????
    toster1992 : Ok people, I have a theory that I'd like some speculation on : Hi!) : aright let me speculate
    Atheistgal22 : shoot : hi : ddsfsd : so who the fuck is here : maybe mr. theory over there?
    oilnwater2 : god you people are lame
    oilnwater2 : soooooooooooooooo lammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme : hello : Hi : Hi. : hello : dasda : Hey!
    OnlyTrueStuff has just logged in : hELLO : HI there : Is this really an intelligent chatroom? : Let's talk if fate has brought us here.
    Reems87 has just logged in
    Reems87 : Hi
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -