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    Bypas : But they didn't know that.
    Bypas : And now he's looking for a job.
    Bypas : Because he want's to work hard.
    Bypas : And, the girls they are all tards.
    Bypas : See, Jack had a scar.
    Bypas : On his face. In a different place.
    Bypas : He was from the human race.
    Bypas : when other people they were a disgrace.
    Bypas : To his face.
    Bypas : That's why Jack now drives in a car race.
    Bypas : Among all the apes.
    Bypas : Like the Planet of the Apes.
    Bypas : They don't eat grapes.
    Bypas : They always stay up late.
    Bypas : Now it's time to debate.
    Bypas : To look up now it's too soon.
    Bypas : Because, before you do then you might be on the Planet Moon.
    Bypas : I never met a goon.
    Bypas : I never met a goon who ate breakfast in the afternoon.
    Bypas : Try riding a horse.
    Bypas : Like a Tripod.
    Bypas : If you did then you would be in the army.
    Bypas : Then you would be a little carmy.
    Bypas : Like you want to harm me.
    Bypas : Other people didn't know that you were that funny.
    Bypas : Look who's the dummy.
    Bypas : All the lines are gone now.
    Bypas : I think it's time for me to go.
    Bypas : But, before I do.
    Bypas : Don't ever forget about Jack.
    Bypas : Because, if you did.
    Bypas : Then, Jack wouldn't like that.
    Bypas has just logged out : hi : im a singer : bye : nobody is there : so its why I leave : I'm so lonely :') : hiiiiiiii : yow : hi : uhkdkdjcvdv
    sethkitamura : hi : HI : I LOVE DOGS : NU7E7IKDYTDJU TKI6L,DIJKYUJ76RT7KUL : heyy
    BodyBags00 has just logged out
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -