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    Luffichin : lol i suck at banning :3
    iAmNotNormal : i dont
    peep135 : banning me
    peep135 : no
    0106 : well take normal :)
    0106 : take care peep
    peep135 : i gotta go
    0106 : take care luchin aka sadako
    peep135 : BYEEE
    0106 : its ok
    0106 : wel bye :)
    peep135 has just logged out
    0106 : keep talking in here pls XD
    0106 : ^^
    0106 : bye ^^ : BYE
    0106 has just logged out
    Luffichin : lolll peep
    Luffichin : bye 0106 :3
    iAmNotNormal : wel....what to do
    Luffichin : woo! ur from the uk too xD
    iAmNotNormal : yes i am!!!!!!
    Luffichin : haha awsome!! xD
    Luffichin : well its nice to meet u :3
    peep135 : hai
    0106 : is kind of empty
    0106 : lol
    iAmNotNormal : hi hi
    0106 : yeah i noticed u
    0106 : is kind of empty but perhaps some mates come
    0106 : luchin is very cool
    0106 : dont u think??
    iAmNotNormal : yup
    0106 : yeah and looks like sadako
    0106 : frm the horror movie of "the ring"
    0106 : lol
    iAmNotNormal : lol aweosme
    0106 : ahahha shee try to look like sadako in her picture shees very cool
    0106 : lol
    0106 : they are from the frienly chat
    0106 : ^^
    iAmNotNormal : brb
    0106 : alright ^^
    iAmNotNormal : back
    0106 : welcome back to the bus stop
    0106 : ololol
    0106 : so what u did? ^^
    Luffichin : hahaha damian!!! xD
    Luffichin has just logged out
    Kaata : Boo!