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    Lola502 : HIIII
    tehnoobrsx : hi
    tehnoobrsx : now no one can bug us
    Lola502 : YAY!!
    Lola502 : but people can still can get in here
    tehnoobrsx : this is just for us
    tehnoobrsx : no
    Lola502 : ohh ok ...... that's so sweet
    Lola502 : <3
    Lola502 : <<covering my nose and trying to talk funny
    tehnoobrsx : so i am so gonning to move to vegas when im older just to be with you
    Lola502 : And im going to love you with everything in me!
    tehnoobrsx : so will i
    Lola502 : <3
    Lola502 : so hahaha ur dad !! LOL IM SORRY!!
    tehnoobrsx : :)
    tehnoobrsx : i feel sad for you to
    Lola502 : For meee?? why??
    tehnoobrsx : your dad
    Lola502 : well lol my dad doesnt do that and im leaving to the mall with my mom while you guys have fun
    Lola502 : hahahahahah
    tehnoobrsx : nice i cant respod to that
    tehnoobrsx : god facepalmed
    Lola502 : lol good luck!!
    tehnoobrsx : ahahahahahahahahahahahah
    Lola502 : ohh ok another thing ....about me ..... that it'll probably bother you and it bothers me too
    Lola502 : im a jelly person XD
    tehnoobrsx : whenyou send a letter to my house put a pic of you in it so i can put it in my locker at school
    tehnoobrsx : so am i
    Lola502 : really!? wow ok well if you do just tell me
    Lola502 : and i get jelly a lot lol
    Lola502 : KK <3 i will
    tehnoobrsx : k and i love you
    Lola502 : i love you more <3
    Lola502 : annnnddd my mom just walked in to try to read our messages again
    Lola502 : lol
    tehnoobrsx : all the love in my heart is all for you
    Lola502 : <3 lol *huggggg
    Lola502 : danngg itt i really want to hug you
    tehnoobrsx : and a want to hold your hand
    Lola502 : *giggle .....................*pokes *runnn
    Lola502 : did you ask your dad what was the lesson for?
    tehnoobrsx : facebook says you got poked
    tehnoobrsx : yes you don t want to no
    Lola502 : what did he say??
    Lola502 : hahahhahaha its kind of funny because hahahha aww im sorry
    tehnoobrsx : im on line
    tehnoobrsx : hi