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    leonard8 : yep
    getyouwild : Could be, but I doubt that kind of advance planning -- and bloodlust
    ainv379 : These shootings are always in places where there really is no way to get out.
    ainv379 : The guy who blew up that movie theatre during The Dark Knight thought he was a character in a movie.
    ainv379 : He rigged his apartment with explosives.
    leonard8 : many have gone over the edge
    ainv379 : Then there was the Boston bombing.
    leonard8 : even though the sighns were there for many to see
    leonard8 : no help was given
    leonard8 : or they didnt think they needed it
    ainv379 : The police found out who did the bombing b/c the only two people not freaking out in the pictures were...
    ainv379 : the guys who planted the bombs.
    ainv379 : That was the excuse after Columbine. They thought the kids were just going through a phase and were...
    ainv379 : no threat. The Trench Coat Mafia.
    getyouwild : didn't think they needed this -- that's what I wanted to remark on the Wiccan girl
    getyouwild : the fact that she adopted a complete religion for herself should have been a sign
    ainv379 : Her mother tried to help her. She went to the school and the school district.
    ainv379 : They did nothing. She really needed to have taken her out of that school.
    leonard8 : a lot of young males go through a satanic phase
    ainv379 : Her mother felt so much guilt and it ended up killing her.
    leonard8 : most grow out of it
    ainv379 : What, Wicca?
    ainv379 : I've been Wiccan for over 20 years.
    leonard8 : no, not wicca
    ainv379 : I've faced some major ostracizing in my life for being Wiccan and I don't care. So, I don't understand why
    getyouwild : brb
    leonard8 : wiccan's are ok with me, and i'm an athiest
    ainv379 : all of these people let bullying bother them.
    ainv379 : I'm ostracized by my family and my birth religion for apostasy. I'm ostracized by Wiccans because of my...
    ainv379 : birth religion. And I so don't let it get to me.
    leonard8 : pardon my french, but i say "fuck-em"
    ainv379 : I want other people to feel empowered like me.
    ainv379 : Exactly, fuck them. Not my problem.
    leonard8 : yep
    getyouwild : Eat a hot dog on a friday. This si against all major religions.
    getyouwild : A powerful statement, really
    ainv379 : It says a lot about how selfish and superficial these people are. I'd rather have them be honest with me...
    ainv379 : so I can write them off as being tools rather than being two-faced.
    ainv379 : LOL!
    ainv379 : I hope my book can help teach others to empower themselves. Break that programming. Break the cycle.
    leonard8 : well, bed and book time for me
    ainv379 : And yes, eat non-Kosher hotdogs on Friday.
    leonard8 : goodnight folks
    ainv379 : G'nite. Thanks for chatting, you gave me some nice ideas to think about.
    getyouwild : good night leonard
    leonard8 has just logged out
    getyouwild : nice talking to you
    ainv379 : I have to get going myself. I hope you have a nice evening.
    getyouwild : good evening to you too