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    HollaAtChoGirl14 : hey
    JoshuaP79 : hey
    HollaAtChoGirl14 : ugh i hate this site
    HollaAtChoGirl14 : I justgot like 6 messages right when i logged in from creepy guys
    JoshuaP79 : oh im sorry
    JoshuaP79 : lll protect you (;
    HollaAtChoGirl14 : Calm down there Josh, they're not going to jump through the screen
    JoshuaP79 : lol well i will be ready just in case
    JoshuaP79 : hey thought you said you were goijng to make new profile?
    HollaAtChoGirl14 : Yeah. Actually I'm just going to do that right now, hold on.
    JoshuaP79 : mmkay
    HollaAtChoGirl14 has just logged out
    Angiesmiles : Done.(:
    JoshuaP79 : awh you took my advice on the user :))
    Angiesmiles : Yes, yes I did. :) I thought it did need something represent me like you said. (:
    JoshuaP79 : haha yea :)
    Angiesmiles : So. You sound smarter. :P
    JoshuaP79 : good thing rite?
    Angiesmiles : Great thing!
    JoshuaP79 : well my girlfriend said theres nothing hotter than someone who is smart
    JoshuaP79 : so decided to clean up a bit
    Angiesmiles : Your girlfriend is correct. :)
    Angiesmiles : How long have you been dating?
    JoshuaP79 : uhm kind of comlicated
    Angiesmiles : Enlighten me :)
    JoshuaP79 : well we talked and kind o f had friends with benefits without the sex for like 3 months before we got
    JoshuaP79 : together official
    JoshuaP79 : so officially we've been going out for 2 months on the 28th but technically its been about 5 months
    Angiesmiles : Well I'm happy for you two. :)
    JoshuaP79 : thanks. so how is it in RichandwhteVille?
    Angiesmiles : Lol. Well they are all rich and white.
    Angiesmiles : And don't forget snobby.
    JoshuaP79 : move back over here babygirl you dont belongthere
    JoshuaP79 : we both know that
    Angiesmiles : Josh its not that easy
    JoshuaP79 : i know i just wish it was :/
    Angiesmiles : I know, me too bb. But you know I'll see you soon.
    JoshuaP79 : yea. hopefully if your dad doesnt kill me
    Angiesmiles : Lol, he won't because he DOESN'T hate you.
    Angiesmiles : You just gotta give him another chance.
    JoshuaP79 : i know he just want to protect you lol but that was kind of rude lol
    Angiesmiles : I know. Lol I'm sorry.
    JoshuaP79 : don' apologize for somebody elses actions lol but it doesnt matter ayways
    JoshuaP79 : im not like that anymore
    Angiesmiles : Good. That makes me really happy.
    JoshuaP79 : your happiness ismy hapiness
    JoshuaP79 : :)
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