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    WeLiveAndWeDie : AYO.
    teddyforlife : hi : hi : hi : does anyone else thonk that eddard stark isn't jon snows father : think*
    joeschmo7 : yes, but eddard admits the mothers names is Wylla. and is mentioned shes a wetnurse from Evenstar
    joeschmo7 : though eddard promises his dying sister something.. im only half through Feast of Crows.
    joeschmo7 : that promise is a centerpeice of the main story though
    Praetor44 : Ned Stark found his sister Lyanna in a blood bed in the tower where Rhaegar left her...I think she died
    Praetor44 : giving birth to Jon Snow
    Praetor44 : so, Rhaegar Targeryan and Lyanna Stark are Jon's parents : fff : ass
    Slyycoop : it's time : New post is up. :) : here is how Stannis gets back in the game: Saved at the last-miniute by Littlefinger, whose knights of the : of the Vale are waiting behind-the-scenes to see how the Battle of Winterfell turns out : Littlefinger offers Stannis a deal: Take his support and in return he names Littlefinger the Hand when Sta : nnis takes the Throne : it's the ONLY way that Littlefinger can get what he truly desires: To sit on the throne via being Hand of th : e King. : Plus, Stannis no longer has a wife nor heir, so what happens if Stannis dies on the throne? Absolute ch : aos. Littlefinger will make a play to become Protector of the Realm. : it's the big twist coming next season. Mark my words: Season 6 will end with Stannis sitting on the one : throne : Can't wait see it all
    Hhoudini : heyy
    Hhoudini : ppl : hi
    Alekzt12 : hi : I'm curious if there with be another season, I had heard there will be spinoffs : but the show must go on