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    GermanRingo : hi : hi : Go Denmark !!! : Russia, a little to much : Ukraine = fairy tale ?! : IRELAND!!
    MerleSkee has just logged in
    MerleSkee : im kinda ashamed because estonia gave russia 12 points :S
    UKRORY : hey guys
    UKRORY : i have this eurovision poll where u can basically give 12 10 8 7 6 etc to all of the 42 countries you thoug
    UKRORY : thought should've gotten them points*
    UKRORY : and then when the poll has ended you can see who won overall and they add it up exactly like they
    UKRORY : do on eurovision
    UKRORY : is anyone interested / willing to take part, you dont need to sign up or anything you just fill it out and
    UKRORY : it's done
    GeeROAR has just logged in : hi : hi : FOR SELL : Ukraine 2014 CD Mariya Yaremchuk - Tick Tock PROMO CD :
    zyzyz21 has just logged in
    BastianiMari : hi
    BodyBags00 has just logged out
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -