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    EnigmaticRyan : I laughed way too hard at that XD
    Skizzles69 : oh bite me :p
    EnigmaticRyan : You wish I would :P
    Skizzles69 : actually, in a way, nope
    EnigmaticRyan : Well...
    EnigmaticRyan : You wish I wouldn't!
    Skizzles69 : totally, i hate how i melt when bitten
    EnigmaticRyan : Melt?
    Skizzles69 : fuck, just ignore that, ummm, vodka speaking again,
    EnigmaticRyan : too late, it's out there now :P
    Skizzles69 : ummm, let's pretend i never said that
    EnigmaticRyan : fiiinnnne
    EnigmaticRyan : Only because you asked so nicely ;P
    Skizzles69 : and, if nothin else, don't tell any1....
    Skizzles69 : pweeaassseee with a cherry on top
    EnigmaticRyan : What we talk about stays between us.
    EnigmaticRyan : I'm not that big of a jerk lol
    Skizzles69 : you wanna jerk what? oh come on, at least wait till i get cam :p
    Skizzles69 : lol
    EnigmaticRyan : -facepalm-
    EnigmaticRyan : Oh my dear lord..
    Skizzles69 : lol i think you just hit yourself
    EnigmaticRyan : indeed
    Skizzles69 : lol
    EnigmaticRyan : -pouts- Always laughing at me!
    EnigmaticRyan : :P
    Skizzles69 : hmm that toungue again
    EnigmaticRyan : Woops sorry
    EnigmaticRyan : not sorry
    Skizzles69 : lol go ahead, keep the tongue out
    EnigmaticRyan : -Sticks tongue out and lets it hang there-
    EnigmaticRyan : tee hee XD
    Skizzles69 : *reaches up and grabs it* hmmm wonder what i should do with this
    EnigmaticRyan : asdfjkl;
    Skizzles69 : say waht?
    EnigmaticRyan : XD
    EnigmaticRyan : nuffin'
    Skizzles69 : *pulls it out, kisses it, licks it, then pulls out a sause of habanero sauce. :)
    Skizzles69 : either come up with a good idea for what i can do with your tongue, or i'll pour this on lol
    EnigmaticRyan : -tickles you-
    Skizzles69 : no, don't, bad memories with the tickling
    EnigmaticRyan : -Slowly lowers hands-
    EnigmaticRyan : -bites your hand-
    Skizzles69 : *bites lip, hoping that you don't bite too much*
    EnigmaticRyan : -Pulls my tongue back in and runs off-
    EnigmaticRyan : Gonna go smoke again..
    Skizzles69 : k
    Skizzles69 has just logged out
    EnigmaticRyan : Ski! Why you leave meh?!
    Skizzles69 : heya