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    PoisonRainbowTears : Hia...
    ZaydenisSatan has just logged out
    ZaydenisSatan has just logged in
    ZaydenisSatan : Hey ((lol that fail though!))
    ZaydenisSatan : how's it going?
    AlecsJean : It's going ok.. and you Zayden?
    ZaydenisSatan : Meh.. I'm ok :P ssssooooooo...
    AlecsJean : Thats good. >->
    AlecsJean : you seem amused...why?
    ZaydenisSatan : That's because I am Alec XD
    ZaydenisSatan : we should start a 'service' club.. just so I can see you in a sexy bunny suit ;)
    AlecsJean : LUL nope
    AlecsJean : not gonna happen DX to many guys ask me out and dump me because they found someone better..
    AlecsJean : im not putting my heart on the line, just to have it shattered.... ill never trust anyone again..
    ZaydenisSatan : aaaaww.. ok... I understand, guys say they love you, but if they really loved you, they would've stayed singer and wait till
    ZaydenisSatan : and wait till you said yes
    ZaydenisSatan : derp that typo :P
    AlecsJean : EXACTLY!!!! I would say yes if they just waited a week.. but everyone falls "inluv" to easily, no one waits after theyve
    AlecsJean : meet, they just get right to it. like one day they meet, next day they confess and the next day theyre going out
    AlecsJean : its insane... i dont want a relationship like that cuz then its not true
    AlecsJean : and ill just end up broken hearted again.. i want something to last like really last not something id regret even if
    AlecsJean : i do end up regretting it... at least i know i tried. thats why id like to be friends with the person im dating for atleast a month
    AlecsJean : then go out
    AlecsJean : there?
    ZaydenisSatan : Yeah yeah I was just reading your msgs
    ZaydenisSatan : I understand I feel the same way :P
    ZaydenisSatan : I've got to go, bye Buddy
    ZaydenisSatan has just logged out