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    TwisTz : I miss this place...
    Badis : where is Bunny?
    TheyStillCallMeKatie : *poooooke*
    RawrxXxBunneh has just logged out
    Pikasaur : hm..
    TwisTz : hm.. indeed
    TwisTz has just logged out
    Pikasaur : ...Well, can't say I'm not a little confused.
    Pikasaur has just logged in
    TwisTz : would that make you a lottle confused?
    TwisTz : I wonder how long they keep these chat logs...
    TwisTz : or whose job it is to read through all these messages looking for potential threats to national security
    TwisTz : if you do happen upon this, you're doing a great job and should be commended for your efforts
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -