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    XxWillowTreexX : It's the best goddamn game out there.
    XxWillowTreexX : So replayable
    XxWillowTreexX : I'm replaying it for the 8th time here
    TheSummerGuy : i think watch dogs is going to be better when it comes out next week
    XxWillowTreexX : I had to take a break.
    XxWillowTreexX : PFFT
    XxWillowTreexX : Watch Dogs thrives only on explosions and gameplay
    XxWillowTreexX : If you like that, go ahead
    XxWillowTreexX : But Shadow of the Colossus is just so epic. I have never said epic ever in my life.
    TheSummerGuy : not to me i do programming and grey hat hacking so i look at it from a diffrent point of view
    XxWillowTreexX : You have to play it to understand.
    XxWillowTreexX : Just play SotC and tell me you're not in love.
    TheSummerGuy : it didnt really catch my eye
    XxWillowTreexX : Oh, that's what I thought.
    XxWillowTreexX : SotC was my first video game.
    XxWillowTreexX : At first it felt hard to grasp.
    XxWillowTreexX : But omfg
    XxWillowTreexX : I fell in love. I'm married to Wandro now.
    TheSummerGuy : ive been gaming since a baby zelda to ps1 and all the way up to my ps4 now
    TheSummerGuy : and i do pc gaming
    XxWillowTreexX : Yeah, I downgraded to Pokemon Stadium after I beat SotC
    XxWillowTreexX : Then "caught them all" in every game up to the new ones
    XxWillowTreexX : God, I did not do homework back then.
    XxWillowTreexX : dx
    TheSummerGuy : i steal play pokemon on my android phone
    XxWillowTreexX : Androids are good.
    XxWillowTreexX : More like a PC
    TheSummerGuy : indeed they are
    XxWillowTreexX : I like it
    TheSummerGuy : yep i dont like macs
    XxWillowTreexX : You have to play SotC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    XxWillowTreexX : Plaaaaaaay eeeeeeeeeet
    XxWillowTreexX : "Dew it"
    TheSummerGuy : i would have to get it on pc then becouse i dont play my ps3 or ps2 anymore
    XxWillowTreexX : Why???????
    TheSummerGuy : becouse im on ps4
    XxWillowTreexX : I still play my SNES
    XxWillowTreexX : I play my everything.
    XxWillowTreexX : My N64, Ps1, Xbox, Ps2, Ps3, SNES, NDS, Dreamcast, Sega...
    XxWillowTreexX : o.o
    XxWillowTreexX : Ps4 is just a newer version of the Ps3.
    XxWillowTreexX : I just has a better graphics card.
    XxWillowTreexX : That's it.
    XxWillowTreexX : It*
    TheSummerGuy : lol no no no thats 100% un accurate
    TheSummerGuy : it 100% diffrent than ps3 everything in it is more advanced but im not about to go into details
    moosemousse : Oldschool gaming~
    moosemousse : Marry me, Helyg.