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    NoFlexZone100 : i wouldn't
    therealseanx : what could it be
    chathour : tenchee has been banned from this chat room.
    therealseanx : oh the temptation
    AnimeDemon : He's posting it in all of the room.
    NoFlexZone100 : idk
    therealseanx : oh
    AnimeDemon : rooms*
    therealseanx : i wont
    therealseanx : lallaalalalala
    therealseanx : i dont know what to say
    therealseanx : what are you guys up too?
    NoFlexZone100 : falling asleep lol
    therealseanx : lol noooooooooooo
    NoFlexZone100 : lol
    therealseanx : can you actually find gay friends on here
    NoFlexZone100 : gn guys i may be back after shool
    NoFlexZone100 : school
    therealseanx : because everyone on that chat seems horny
    therealseanx : aw okay
    therealseanx : goodnight
    NoFlexZone100 : yes just go to gay chat
    NoFlexZone100 : well u found meh
    therealseanx : yay
    therealseanx : hello there
    therealseanx : goonight now
    therealseanx : o.e
    AnimeDemon : Brb. Food calls.
    therealseanx : same
    AnimeDemon : Nevermind. Milk called.
    therealseanx : i still havent got up
    therealseanx : /lazy
    AnimeDemon : Lol. I'm vapeing, watching anime, and chatting on here. I am the mutlitasking master.
    therealseanx :  perfectp
    therealseanx : im getting off for the night
    therealseanx : goodnight demon :) nice meeting you
    AnimeDemon : Night. Same to you.
    AnimeDemon : OH MY GERSH!!!!!!!!!
    HolaChilean23 : Hi?
    isamuZ : can guys help
    isamuZ : can cure a neko girl for me
    chathour : isamuZ has been banned from this chat room.
    AnimeDemon : Does it in every room.
    MrDankNuggz :  smoke weed everyday
    AnimeDemon : Yes. Yes I do.
    MrDankNuggz : hahaha
    vampirerose420 : hi
    vampirerose420 : im fine getting off here need to go to bed