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    Edea92 : hahaha big pimpin
    Trollvik : Edea r u american?
    Edea92 : yeah
    mortalcombat : Hey Edea have you talked with your parents about me ?
    mortalcombat : *talked to\
    Edea92 : lmao yep they're making wedding plans now *rolls eyes*
    mortalcombat : Do they know that we have an affair
    Edea92 : stop being creepy lol
    mortalcombat : ha ha
    mortalcombat : O, someone is shy
    Edea92 : >.>
    mortalcombat : Someone is actually thinking of getting married, don't worry you will get a good husband
    mortalcombat : My blessings are with you
    Edea92 : Oh thank you, kind sir.
    mortalcombat : Okay I have to go. My GF is coming over to my place. Have to clean my room.
    Edea92 : lol toodles
    mortalcombat : Fuck
    Edea92 : my ex used to have me clean his room when he invited me over lol
    mortalcombat : He was a bad guy. He should clean his own room
    Edea92 : he was a lazy kid
    Edea92 : that was gosh, like amost 4 years ago
    mortalcombat : I have to clean my own room
    Edea92 : almost*
    mortalcombat : I shoul, we should
    Dellala : D:
    Edea92 : della della della
    Edea92 : Del- to the -ah
    mortalcombat : Anyways nice talking to you. Have a great night.
    Dellala : edea edea edea
    Dellala : e to the ea
    Edea92 : lol
    mortalcombat : Fuck taliban is here. Better leave.
    Edea92 : you too mortal
    mortalcombat has just logged out
    Edea92 : Bye bye
    Edea92 : Is he serious?
    Dellala : i dont think so
    Edea92 : other countries freak me out
    Edea92 : does that make me racist?
    Edea92 : honestly lol
    Dellala : i mean if taliban really there u'd like freak out nd not say
    Dellala : lol maybe xD
    Dellala : u want to travel over seas?
    Edea92 : haha i hope it doesn't
    Edea92 : No I don't want to leave north america ever lol
    Edea92 : Unless it gets shitty here lol : bitch!
    iZombie : ban edea92 ok
    iZombie : edea92 i have gun ok