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    Cinereo : Nightfire has been banned from this chatroom.
    NightfireSan : o3o
    NightfireSan : <w<
    NightfireSan : Nice try.
    NightfireSan : I'm done blowing off steam, now.
    Cinereo : Admit it. I had you fooled for a second.
    NightfireSan : No. Your name's in front of it.
    NightfireSan : Only 'Chathour' appears when one is banned.
    Cinereo : Fine then. -3-
    NightfireSan : Q ^ Q Why did you make me work, Cin? Eh?! -Threw up his arms again.-
    NightfireSan : WHY?!
    Cinereo : Because. o3o
    NightfireSan : That's not a good enough reason. -cries evertim-
    NightfireSan : T ^ T
    Cinereo : I like wathing you suffer. *Shook his arms.* MWHAHAHAHAHA!
    NightfireSan : > Wathing.
    NightfireSan : X3
    NightfireSan : -Giggled and started rolling about.-
    Cinereo : ewe
    NightfireSan : owo
    NightfireSan : >-> Now where's the battling.
    NightfireSan : <-<
    Cinereo : *Punted the fox.*
    Cinereo : There hasn't been a fight in here, yet.
    NightfireSan : D: Aw.
    NightfireSan : -Was punted.-
    NightfireSan : So that must mean that it's brand new. owo
    Cinereo : Yup. It was made yesterday.
    NightfireSan : Whoops, I was watching anime.
    NightfireSan : owo
    NightfireSan : But, cool.
    Cinereo : What anime? o-o
    Cinereo : Have you started Elven Lied?
    NightfireSan : Oh god.
    NightfireSan : D: No, I haven't.
    NightfireSan : I'm watching Soul Eater. I started it a few years ago, but I stopped watching it.
    NightfireSan : Then decided to watch it just now.
    NightfireSan : owo
    Cinereo : Still? .w.
    NightfireSan : No, no no. I mean, I just stopped watching the thing.
    NightfireSan : And suddenly a few years later, I feel the urge to watch it.
    NightfireSan : =w=;
    Cinereo : I get what you mean. I'm just suprised that you haven't finished it yet.
    NightfireSan : Well, I've been on and off. There's other animes that request my attention; more so than this one.
    NightfireSan : =w=;
    Cinereo : I see.
    Cinereo : We should spar. owo
    SonikkuTheHedgehog : 4/6/15 and still untouched since December.
    SonikkuTheHedgehog : Seems legit.