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    LonexSurvivor : It was the only thing I could think of.
    JaysonRiley : Do sexual daresand truths!
    JaysonRiley : O^O
    xXFallingDuskXx : Done.
    xXFallingDuskXx : Wisty. TorD?
    LonexSurvivor : Rook isn't here...So, it's kinda lackin' for me to do a Sexual Dare/Truth...In my opinion.
    Wisty : Now go, Quin.
    Wisty : wat.
    Wisty : Quinn*
    Wisty : Titties.~
    xXFallingDuskXx : Have you ever wanted to bounce on a pickle in public? :D
    JaysonRiley : o-o
    Wisty : On a pickle, or a dick?
    JaysonRiley : Double meaning. Becareful, Wisteh.
    xXFallingDuskXx : No, just a pickle.
    Wisty : No. I don't like pickles. :T
    JaysonRiley : >~>
    JaysonRiley : _Hid_
    xXFallingDuskXx : How about a dick?
    xXFallingDuskXx : XD
    Wisty : Totally.
    Wisty : Anywho.
    Wisty : Lone Survivor dude person guy.
    JaysonRiley : YUS, NOT ME
    LonexSurvivor : Yes?
    JaysonRiley : BITCH, HAH.
    JaysonRiley : _Afk. Getting a candy cane._
    LonexSurvivor : Brb.
    JaysonRiley : _Back.-
    Wisty : Tits or Dicks, bruh?
    xXFallingDuskXx : D: I stabbed myself with a pencil.
    Wisty : Good for you.
    xXFallingDuskXx : O wO Thank you!
    LonexSurvivor : Back....And Truth.
    Wisty : Have you ever yiffed/had sex in IM's? ewe
    LonexSurvivor : No, I'm a Mannequin....I can't have it. :D
    Wisty : Damn. :T With me in there I would make it possible. ;D
    xXFallingDuskXx : X3
    Wisty : ffffffff
    Wisty : i gtg
    Wisty has just logged out
    LonexSurvivor : Le gasp..No D:
    xXFallingDuskXx : Dx
    xXFallingDuskXx : ME TOO! Sorry, be back soon!
    xXFallingDuskXx has just logged out
    JaysonRiley : o-o
    JaysonRiley : T.T
    xMischiefx has just logged in
    xMischiefx : ..Moo?
    xMischiefx : Fuck I took to long Q-Q