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    AvalonFireWater : Sorry. I'm trying to multitask.
    darkspyro : Should it begin with the villains side or start out peaceful like most stories?
    AvalonFireWater : Let's start off with the villan's side, to spice it up.
    AvalonFireWater : (Sorry, my laptop crashed all of a sudden. Oh and I may have another friend joining later on to
    AvalonFireWater : be another villan, female)
    xYoruichix : (Hmm....?)
    AvalonFireWater : (Aye, that'd be her)
    darkspyro : (Okay interesting.)
    darkspyro : (So what about my villain? He somewhere else at this time?)
    AvalonFireWater : (okay, so as the villan, you're starting us off, and yes. You can make him where ever you want
    AvalonFireWater : At his 'lair' grumbling about an upcoming battle or whatever, doesn't matter)
    darkspyro : (Alright i guess. Just gotta change accounts real quick and i'll start.)
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    PhantomTheForgotton : (Okay back.)
    PhantomTheForgotton : (I'm not used to starting so forgive me if this sucks)
    AvalonFireWater : (That's alright, nor am I)
    PhantomTheForgotton : *The world at the very moment was peaceful at least in the parts that were visable to the eyes
    PhantomTheForgotton : of mortals that lurked the planet, doing as they pleased throughout their day but in the
    PhantomTheForgotton : darkest core, hidden far away from sight deep underground a dark presense was watching
    PhantomTheForgotton : them all. In another dimension it seemed a black, tatter cloaked figure stood over a small
    PhantomTheForgotton : pool of glowing midnight blue water, no light at all aside from that. It simply stood there,
    PhantomTheForgotton : watching from a view which seemed as if looking down at all mortal beings, a cold,
    PhantomTheForgotton : unemotional feeling emitting from the figure which only certain few could feel but if one
    PhantomTheForgotton : was with him they could easily tell he was looking for something though what it was wasn't
    PhantomTheForgotton : clear at all. Finally he had turned away from the water, it turning to a blood red color now as
    PhantomTheForgotton : he walked towards the door to exit, speaking out a single word in a cold, deep voice* Soon...
    PhantomTheForgotton : (Not close to my best but that's all i had DX)
    AvalonFireWater : (It's really good! I'm just trying to get some of it typed up)
    AvalonFireWater : (and hey, if you could, when you end your post, put a capital E, blocked off from the rest of it,
    AvalonFireWater : like so; ~(E) or [E] or something to that sort. It makes it easier on us. Thanks!!)
    AvalonFireWater : *Ashlinne gave a start, the black-clad figure of her best friend momentarily shocking her* O-oh
    AvalonFireWater :  Hey, Phantom. *her voice had a light teasing to it* What's up? *her still figure almost seemed
    AvalonFireWater : unnatural on the mortal plane, and they were having a hard time blending in. After what
    AvalonFireWater : seemed like ages, she tossed her red-brown hair over her shoulder, emitting a soft growl of a
    AvalonFireWater : teasing tone. Why couldn't he like her more? A sigh escaped her lips as she waited for his
    AvalonFireWater : response and she began to have flashbacks about her old life, the one she'd had /before/ she
    AvalonFireWater : discovered her talents. It was a hard thing to face, but her parents were gone, she was older
    AvalonFireWater : now, and it wasn't going to get any easier, so she might as well face it while she had /some/
    AvalonFireWater : ounce of strength and nerve.* ~(E)
    PhantomTheForgotton : (Wait so she lives with Phantom? Also brb.)
    AvalonFireWater : (Nome, this is back on the mortal plane. I'll edit it later, but I said Phantom because I don't
    AvalonFireWater : know what you want the male lead of best friend to be named, you never specified. Okay.)
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    AvalonFireWater : (Ohai)
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