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    Jamesy223 : and i freak out haha, i turned the lights on and thought i was dreaming
    Jamesy223 : i got so lucky bc i look over and the Cat is staring at me...looking very intruiged
    mindfaq : lol omg
    Jamesy223 : i slowly started searching for the glider, and i lifted up the pillow
    Jamesy223 : and the little bugger has these wiiide eyes looking up haha
    Jamesy223 : i picked him up and put him back in the cage and let out the largest gasp of relief hah
    Jamesy223 : so i figured that how some the stupid pig used his snout to open the cage
    Jamesy223 : and i was so relieved that the glider didnt get lost or eaten
    Jamesy223 : how would i explain that to my friend haha
    mindfaq : he was under the pillow lol
    Jamesy223 : haha yeah
    Jamesy223 : it was so surreal
    mindfaq : so smart he's like jamesy will protect me1
    mindfaq : !
    Jamesy223 : yeah!
    Jamesy223 : he was so cute and friendly
    Jamesy223 : but the pig...ugh the worst
    mindfaq : really! baby pigs are so cute :)
    Jamesy223 : no no he was full grown
    Jamesy223 : and mean
    Jamesy223 : he would bite you
    mindfaq : did you order pork chops
    Jamesy223 : haha no
    Jamesy223 : but it was nice re uniting with the cat
    Jamesy223 : we rescued her
    Jamesy223 : she remembered me too!
    mindfaq : couldn't resist lol
    Jamesy223 : did u ever see that lion remember his owners video?
    mindfaq : i only have to watch fish and a dog and a cat :)
    mindfaq : plus my cat that i brought on an adventure hehe
    Jamesy223 : hahaha
    Jamesy223 : how is that workin out
    mindfaq : orfect it's a pitbull but he's so gentle
    mindfaq : *perfect*
    Jamesy223 : awesome
    Jamesy223 : im gunna have to write a song
    mindfaq : to the coming true of your most impossible dream :)
    mindfaq : a beautiful toast from this movie!
    mindfaq : yip :(
    mindfaq : anyone
    Jamesy223 : holaa
    mindfaq : hey jamesy!
    mindfaq : go get your new lappy hehe
    Zebra45 : o.-
    Serai007 : i like your songs.
    Serai007 : glider pigs on your face?
    Serai007 : glider pig squirrels
    Serai007 has just logged out
    nirvana44 : james sup man