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    DTC3 : wrong but good try
    DTC3 : though
    kellyneedshugs : u gave me the chills and im blushing so it worked
    kellyneedshugs : the good chills
    DTC3 : lol MORE hahaha
    DTC3 : do u work at little ceacars?
    kellyneedshugs : nope
    DTC3 : Porque te ves caliente y listo
    DTC3 : geuss
    kellyneedshugs : cuz i wanna sclice of u?
    DTC3 : cause you look hot and ready
    DTC3 : ooohhhhhhhh lol
    kellyneedshugs : omfg same reaction yur gettting me excited
    DTC3 : haha lol ok more
    DTC3 : do work at the bakery?
    kellyneedshugs : nok
    kellyneedshugs : no*
    DTC3 : causa que parezca que tienen buenos bollos sus
    DTC3 : geuss
    kellyneedshugs : i want to put a bun inb yur oven
    kellyneedshugs : ?
    DTC3 : cause you look like you have nice buns their
    kellyneedshugs : idk
    kellyneedshugs : OMFG
    DTC3 : lol
    DTC3 : lmfao
    kellyneedshugs : i would let u touch tnem
    DTC3 : r u nutella?
    kellyneedshugs : nope
    DTC3 : porque quiero separa las piernas
    DTC3 : geuss
    kellyneedshugs : idk
    DTC3 : because I want to spread your legs lol
    kellyneedshugs : thatbone was kinda sexy
    DTC3 : thx bebe
    DTC3 : r u a trumpet?
    kellyneedshugs : no
    DTC3 : porque te estas haciendo me caliente
    DTC3 : oh man youll prob like this one
    DTC3 : ok geuss
    kellyneedshugs : cuz i wznt to blow?
    kellyneedshugs : blow u?
    DTC3 : because your getting me horny lmfao
    DTC3 : hahahahahahahahahahaha
    DTC3 : that was a good one too
    kellyneedshugs has just logged in
    Daemona has just logged in
    chathour : FunkyPidgeon has been banned from this chat room.
    savask34 : hiii