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    Chillguy24 : but you aren't fat, though
    KiLLaLitAsfx : bae
    Chillguy24 : yes?
    KiLLaLitAsfx : i needa fuck lmaoo
    Chillguy24 : hahaha
    Chillguy24 : Are you horny?
    KiLLaLitAsfx : maybee
    Chillguy24 : damn!
    Chillguy24 : too bad I am not there
    Chillguy24 : you could fuck me silly, lol
    KiLLaLitAsfx : ik bae :3
    Chillguy24 : Do you masturbate?
    KiLLaLitAsfx : juz stfu n cm here lml
    Chillguy24 : lol, I asked a question,
    KiLLaLitAsfx : n i turn it into a statement lol
    Chillguy24 : a statement, that does not relate to the question, lol
    KiLLaLitAsfx : oh hushh bae
    Chillguy24 : lol
    Chillguy24 : its okay if you do
    KiLLaLitAsfx : stupid
    Chillguy24 : lol
    Chillguy24 : anyways...
    KiLLaLitAsfx : kissez bae
    Chillguy24 : what are you doing now?
    KiLLaLitAsfx : oh u dumbass..
    Chillguy24 : kisses
    Chillguy24 : what???
    KiLLaLitAsfx : ty bae
    KiLLaLitAsfx : lol
    Chillguy24 : I asked what you were doing, lol
    KiLLaLitAsfx : nuuun
    KiLLaLitAsfx : -.-
    Chillguy24 : you are doing something...:)
    KiLLaLitAsfx : :3
    Chillguy24 : you are staring at my sexy ass pics, wishing to get on top of me, lol
    KiLLaLitAsfx : pff
    KiLLaLitAsfx : lol
    Chillguy24 : haha
    Chillguy24 : don't deny it :)
    KiLLaLitAsfx : hush babee
    Chillguy24 : I can really get the thermostat rising, lol
    KiLLaLitAsfx : just shut up n come here
    Chillguy24 : ok, -comes towards killa-
    KiLLaLitAsfx : hugs bae
    Chillguy24 : hugs
    KiLLaLitAsfx : bitez bae neck
    Chillguy24 : bites back!
    KiLLaLitAsfx : :3
    KiLLaLitAsfx : sits on baes lap
    KiLLaLitAsfx has just logged out