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    Scytheripper : He's 40
    ThatEnglishfox : that's just sad xD
    blackBloodedrose : yes he's 40 fucking years old and thinks I am his fucking sex bitch
    ThatEnglishfox : kill him with fire and petrol
    blackBloodedrose : to much evidence left behind that way
    ThatEnglishfox : nuke him
    blackBloodedrose : don't got access
    Scytheripper : Home made bombs
    ThatEnglishfox : or just shoot him with a 12 gauge ice slug
    blackBloodedrose : to easy to trace
    Scytheripper : I know how to make bombs
    blackBloodedrose : so do i but it's easy to trace
    Scytheripper : Not my bombs
    blackBloodedrose : the ingredence are
    Scytheripper : No my bombs are special
    blackBloodedrose : really
    Scytheripper : Yes
    blackBloodedrose : how so
    Scytheripper : I have made a bomb that melts anything it touches and leaves no evidence
    blackBloodedrose : brb I'm gonna hack the fucker and we'll his off line and online life is about to go up in flames
    Scytheripper : Alright
    blackBloodedrose : let fox know
    Scytheripper : Ok
    Scytheripper : Hello
    Scytheripper : Hello
    Scytheripper : I
    Scytheripper : ...
    Scytheripper : ..
    Scytheripper : ...
    Scytheripper : ...
    Scytheripper : ..
    Scytheripper : ...
    Scytheripper : Hello is anyone here
    Scytheripper has just logged out
    blackBloodedrose : Sorry about that I'm back
    Scytheripper : It's ok
    Scytheripper : Where's fox?
    Scytheripper : Hello
    blackBloodedrose : idk
    Scytheripper : What now
    blackBloodedrose : idk want to go moble
    Scytheripper : Wait what?
    blackBloodedrose : I was wondering if u wanted to go moble or are u on pc
    Scytheripper : I'm on a phone
    blackBloodedrose : same here and right now we are non-moble I was on drink if u want to go moble
    Scytheripper : Ok
    blackBloodedrose : wondering not drink
    Scytheripper : I'm going moble
    blackBloodedrose : kk
    XxXxBlackRosexXxX : Hey guys I know both of u Scy