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    gymnastdancer : anyone here
    iconnu : Hey there~
    iconnu : I wish I started as young as you! That way I could be in your same position
    gymnastdancer : hi
    gymnastdancer : well starting early helps with many things
    gymnastdancer : like liking girls lol
    iconnu : That's very true :3
    gymnastdancer : do the doogy friends in your pics and you get very friendly too?
    iconnu : Although... Kind of makes me upset I didn't start earlier. The fantasy of being younger and a horse cock stuffing my little pussy back then sends ripples of excitement through me
    iconnu : And oh yes they do
    gymnastdancer : yeah i want tio try things but too scared i guess at this age
    gymnastdancer : why id like to be broken and forced to perform
    iconnu : That's very understandable
    gymnastdancer : must be rough when your big boys take you but must be huge fun all that fluff and stuff
    iconnu : I love how rough it is tough
    iconnu : Though*
    gymnastdancer : wow
    gymnastdancer : so scratches and bites
    iconnu : Scratches mostly
    gymnastdancer : mmm you do face to face or they mout from behind
    iconnu : They mount me from behind. I like doggy style x3
    gymnastdancer : must be hard to control or you only allow one at a time with you?
    iconnu : I only allow one at a time.
    gymnastdancer : id like face to face so the paws could scratch nipples and stuff and maybenibbles
    gymnastdancer : ah i see
    iconnu : I like the feeling of their bodies against my back and butt
    gymnastdancer : im too scared if i turn my back to mine he will try to mount me
    gymnastdancer : face to face he just licks and nibbles
    iconnu : I would totally turn my back, but that is cuz I'm horny all the time..m
    gymnastdancer : has to be sure he is outside when im changing and showering lol
    iconnu : Sounds like he knows what he wants!
    gymnastdancer : yes i think he does
    gymnastdancer : when i go swimming i have to be careful as he will try to jump me anyway he can lol
    iconnu : I would be very troublesome if I were in your position. I don't think I could resist even while swimming D:
    gymnastdancer : well not so much while swimming but as i come in and out as i swim nude when i can
    iconnu : That's kind of what I figured you meant. I've had a need to try letting them fuck me outside and... Mmmph it wild
    iconnu : Would likely happen lots of I had a pool*
    gymnastdancer : mmmm well since my age and need of privacy i swim nude away from people, theres a creek,, area to swim nearby in bushland
    gymnastdancer : would love to see you having fun inside and outside outside so much better as chance being seen
    iconnu : I've definitely been tempted to going into the back yard with one of them and letting them fuck me. The idea of being caught is so sexy and scary!
    gymnastdancer : knows the feeling
    gymnastdancer : if i wasnt so afraid of being caught at home id probably let him try or at least play more
    iconnu : Which is understandable. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm I might try and be a daring girl
    gymnastdancer : mmmmmm sounds very very nice
    gymnastdancer : maybe ill find somweway to have my own fun
    gymnastdancer : and more daring
    gymnastdancer : ok guess you left
    gymnastdancer : thnks for chat
    gymnastdancer : please add me as ive no invites left