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    Sherlox9897 : Heya
    AlphasGirl : hi
    AlphasGirl : gimme a sec and ill explain
    Sherlox9897 : k
    AlphasGirl : *a virus called the Z Virus has spread worldwide slowly turning people into flesh eating monsters
    AlphasGirl : try ur best to rebuild the world*
    YoungSpirit : im here ...i think
    AlphasGirl : yasss
    YoungSpirit : isnt that world war z
    AlphasGirl : wdym
    YoungSpirit : there is a movie about just that virus
    AlphasGirl : the Z virus is the zombie virus
    YoungSpirit : yes i know....the movie stars BRAD PITT
    AlphasGirl : lol this is my version
    AlphasGirl : now then
    AlphasGirl : *grabs ur hand* follow me
    YoungSpirit : im sorry ..alphas i have no imagination for this
    YoungSpirit : im going back to the chat room
    AlphasGirl : its Alpha and ur helpless without an imagination
    YoungSpirit : my imagination still says you have a fantastic figure