● msboswriter :
I can't remember how it makes the transition from cb to ct - I'd need to run it to see.
● msboswriter :
I just type in the cell base address, then enter, then the cell top address, then enter.
● msboswriter :
It may take two enters each time though rather than one.
● msboswriter :
One to set the current byte and the other to set the whole address.
● msboswriter :
If you can't get it to work, let me get back to you tomorrow with better instructions once I've run it myself and can give better instructions instead of working from memory.
● msboswriter :
We need to find a better communication platform too.
● msboswriter :
Data statements in basic, poked into memory and run.
● msboswriter :
I built a machine editor first and designed the indexing system straight away as everything else depended on it.
● msboswriter :
I just worked out what was needed and built it piece by piece.
● msboswriter :
When I did the PC version, I actually started by writing a floppy disk driver for it to run from the boot sector
● msboswriter :
If you think big and go for it, you can build anything.
● msboswriter :
I'll avoid writing that code for as long as possible - it's a backward step and I want to keep moving forwards.
● Lilbigsoldier :
Why don't you just write that code for your current os and then remove the AGI from it
● msboswriter :
No one else was using my OS so I started integrating AGI into it instead of keeping the two things seperate.
● msboswriter :
And it does work better if they're integrated.
● Lilbigsoldier :
Well ten years earlier I did know how to operate a computer and play games
● Lilbigsoldier :
I would have been possible that we would have made contact earlier
● Lilbigsoldier :
Okay now have a happy working night and I will have happy morning sleep
● msboswriter :
I need to do better preparations for this so that I don't waste your time with instructions that don't work.
● msboswriter :
It's no good trying to do it from memory with an old version of the OS which I'm no longer fully familiar with.
● msboswriter :
I'd have to rebuild everything and it would set me back years.
● msboswriter :
The instructions that aren't working here aren't that kind of instruction though
● msboswriter :
It's the difficulty in trying to help you set up a code cell that's the problem
● msboswriter :
I need to find out how many presses of enter are needed to get from setting cb to ct
● msboswriter :
And find out when it starts to say ct on the screen