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Log In : hello? : Multiversal1 on deviantart is letting all preds shrink him and lustfully gulp him down, regardless of gender! I met this guy and can I say he is delicious <3 Go check him out! Send : Man, all these chatas have the same problem. : You guys need to stop relying on people being in the chat to start roleplaying : Just start something off and wait for a response :)
    roleplaer6 : hi
    KieranM has just logged in : Hi, my name is amanda..-dangles my little brother from my fingers- and this is Nero <3 . im looking for people to go on skype and message my brother and gulp him down <3 H : hello : any giantess up for an RP? message me
    Miko34 has just logged in : hi
    giantess : 13/f : hi? : hi : hi : hello?
    Koritsu : Hi
    Koritsu has just logged in
    littleshiro : hi
    treva69 : any giantess women around?
    joshua561784 has just logged in
    ninalil : hi
    ninalil : any one here who likes shrinking me?
    ninalil : hi
    ninalil : you like shrinking?
    Koritsu has just logged in : hi?
    Greenmist4787 : Hi
    Koritsu : Hi
    panspermia : Hey : hi
    Koritsu has just logged out
    JustNotWorking1 : sup everyone!!
    JustNotWorking1 : Awesome knowing there are other giantess lovers around
    Koritsu : Hello : hi
    QueenGoddess : Hello. : hello : some giantess=
    Sonicisawesome26 : hello : hello
    Sonicisawesome26 has just logged in : hi : anyone here?
    littleGus : hi
    Chase240 has just logged in
    Chase240 : Hello
    Shrunkmike : Hey