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    fangirl123456789 has just logged in : hi
    ZeddExR : So I know what is all : anybody want to talk to me? : I feel all alone : I feel crazy : my head was hurting this morning : I'm stressed out : hopeless : everything feels hopeless : like life is a trivial pursuit : like I will never see him again : I feel like I keep missing out on opportunities to make life great : even though I was scared yesterday, a part of me hoped I wouldn't make it : my body never feels good : it felt good right after I puked : my stomach was empty, finally : I couldn't feel the pain from my back : no headaches : no nausea : my throat relaxed : no tooth pain : I am wondering if that other world was real : I don't want it to be, but I have seen too much sober : I'm scared : none of this feels fair : life in this world is not fair : I'm angry : I'm alone : I wish I could stop eating without hurting myself : please somebody talk to me : hi : hi : u : ih[rtgh : gf : fg : dfg : gh : h : gf : hola
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    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
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    Jaxxx28 has just logged out