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Log In : hello : anybody there??
    lickit456 has just logged out
    musicfreak96 : hello : Always do I turn, Always do I churn. Down South I never go, Up North I hate to Slow : Consider 10 days. If I give you 1 candy on the first day, and each other day I give you twice more candies than the previous one, how : I am here
    Leah999 has just logged out
    steveners : : hello : answer this : You have 3000 litres of petrol to drive 1,000km to a remote fishing village. Your truck has no petrol itself, instead needing to siphon fuel from the shipment. Your truck uses 1 litre
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Jaxxx28 : Ok