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Hetalia Germany chat room [public] created by AmericaTheHero
Germany (ドイツ, Doitsu?) Germany is a hard-working, efficient, bureaucratic, and serious character. In the series, Germany is primus inter pares among the Axis Powers, and takes responsibility for the training of Italy and Japan. Another aspect of his character is his relative inexperience with relationships, leading him to be very by-the-book as a result of the belief that things will go wrong if he does not follow instructions to the letter. His extreme devotion to the military lifestyle would make him an effective leader, if not for the fact of constantly baby-sitting Italy. Despite this, as the series progresses, he forms a close relationship with Italy. He notes at one point that he has a "crazy boss", a reference to the historical figure of Hitler. In the anime series, he is voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto in Japanese and Patrick Seitz in English.[6]

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