Hetalia Italy
chat room [public] created by AmericaTheHero
Italy (イタリア, Itaria?)
Italy, the primary protagonist and the title character, is a bright, energetic and sweet young man. In the series, he is depicted at various points as the infant grandson of the Roman Empire (known as Grandpa Rome), and is recognized as the weakest character in the series, and as a carefree and cowardly soldier who often depends on Germany to resolve issues. He has good contacts with Poland. His artistry and extreme love of pasta and pizza are references to Italian culture. He uses his adorable ways and cute face to charm any girl he meets. He is portrayed as a "lovable loser".[5] Italy represents the northern half of the country of Italy, while his older brother represents the southern half. Hence, their full character names are Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano. In the anime series, both Italies are voiced by Daisuke Namikawa in Japanese. In English, Veneziano is voiced by Todd Haberkorn[6] and Romano is voiced by Ian Sinclair. Young Italy, known as Chibitalia is voiced by Aki Kanada in Japanese and Brina Palencia in English.
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