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worldchatshetaliarp chat room [public] created by Thehero100
WorldsChatHetaliaRP is a Hetalia RP group. If you wish to role-play a character make sure to write it (as best as you can) according to the series Hetalia: Axis Powers and refrain from going OOC (out of character) while RPing. :bulletyellow: OOC speech should be posted in brackets or parentheses. Example: (( )); [ ]; ( ). Any other post you make should be in character. This rule applies to both canon characters and OC characters. :bulletblack: If you do not get along with other role-players or members in the chat, please take it somewhere else. The chat should not be used as a fighting arena, or in any other way which would make the other role-players or members feel uncomfortable. :bulletyellow: Please make sure you understand that the series Hetalia: Axis Powers is rated PG-13, but the rating in the chat is PG-16. It may contain mild sexual themes, mild violence and foul language. If you feel in anyway uncomfortable with it, please do not make an account or attempt to join this group. :bulletblack: The rating for the RP is PG-16, and won't go any higher. High sexual themes, which might make other role-players or members uncomfortable, will not be tolerated. :bulletyellow: As for now, we accept OC characters and canon characters without voting. You may create an account for any character which has not been taken yet. However the number of characters per one person in chat should be limited. For canon characters, one person can create only one RP account to be used in chat. You cannot RP multiple canon characters. As for OC characters, I don't see why it should be limited. However, please remember to RP only one character while in chat (even if you make multiple OC characters). :bulletblack: God-moding is not allowed. In chat, no character can control other characters, no character has super-natural or divine powers, no character should be invincible. Example: *gives France a scone and he eats it*; make characters die without their permission; make characters do things without their permission; have god powers.

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