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[weirdtown chat 2.0]
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List of all user-created chat rooms by ventusstirfe
.....goodbye...forever chat room [public] sorry......but every time i try to help you.....things get even worse....i said i hate you but i can't be any worse....i know ive never said this but since today means goodbye i guese i should say this simple phrase as i sorry for making everything sorry for loving you the most im sorry im sorry
Hells gate chat room [public]
if you are sent here then you have faced a tragic end and in wich you must pay for the crimes commited but their is a chance if you can fight then you can regain your life
The dark abyss chat room [public]
this place is for RP only..though it can be dark and chaotic i suggest that you turn back if your not up to the bloodshed
My Tower chat room [public]
My Tower My only home My pride and joy YOU RECK IT UP I KILL YOU!
The Pillars of the Cosmos chat room [public]
The very Pillars used by the 5 in order to create the planets and such.
The top of the tower. chat room [public]
The very top of his tower, Sometimes Ventus will sit up here and think about the world itself and hope for the very best.

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